How to Reuse Lashes

Woman with hooded eyes applying lash adhesive that is made in Korea

If a lash cluster comes loose prematurely

If you start to feel that a single lash cluster is getting loose but you're not ready to take off full lash set -  gently peel that single cluster off, apply more Lash Bond to base of lash cluster & then pop back on (ideally re-squeeze that particular cluster with Zukyun applicator & Lash Sealant).

Entire process should take couple of seconds. No need to go through below steps to sanitise (until you are ready to take off full set of lashes). 

How to clean & sanitise a full set of lashes

Most of our lash styles are reuseable up to 7x, assuming that they are properly removed with our gentle Lash Remover.  

Most customers use 2-3 lash clusters per eye and most lash packs come with 12 lash clusters (so that's 2-3 FRESH uses BEFORE reusing).

For hygienic reasons, please follow the below steps to sanitise the lash clusters before every reuse.

  1. Using your fingers, gently peel the remaining Lash Bond (black in colour) off the band of each lash cluster

[Proceed with the following steps unless you are cleaning Sleigh the Day or In the Limelight - in which case you are done!]

  1. Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol / Isopropyl Alcohol (75%) (only HK$11 from most drugstores including Mannings in HK - click here) into a small glass jar
  2. Add some regular tap water - same amount as the rubbing alcohol. 
  3. Drop the lash clusters into the jar, stir, and close the lid
  4. Let the lash clusters soak for 20 minutes (but shorter for certain lash styles that are especially delicate & wispy such as Sleigh the Day), before taking them out
  5. Use a small make-up brush to gently brush away any remaining visible glue. Be very gentle!
  6. Leave to air-dry for around 2 hours then return the lash clusters to their lash pack for storage

*Please note that extra care must be taken when cleaning the following styles and they are only reuseable up to 3x, and not 7x: Sleigh the Day, In the Limelight

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